Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Drawings of 34pickup - Vic Vasselin

I knew him first as 34pickup and I look forward to his posting on Hank's Truck Picture Forum in the truck drawing forum - he posts under 34pickup.

I have since come to know him as Vic Vasselin. He is a full time truck driver and does truck illustrations and cartoons on the side. Vic's cartoons about the trucking life can be seen at
Tenfourmagazine.com - look for "truckertoons" or use the convenient link on this page -- Look for Truckertoons. There is also a full biography there on Vic.

I have wondered why someone would give themselves a screen name like 34pickup? I guess I would too if I had one. Vic also has 35 Dodge street rod pickup.

Vic tells me, " I draw trucks because I like them, specially old trucks." He's been honing his skill for 40 years. Some of his drawing require 20-40 hours to create. Besides Tenfourmagazine, he also contributes to a trucking paper in Pennsylvania called "Movin Out".

I have to admit that I am a bit jealous of Vics' talent. While I'm cranking out stuff on Photoshop, he is matching whatever I can create the good old fashioned way - by hand, pen, ink, and pencil.

Here are a few of my favorites drawn by Vic ---

1953 Kenworth

Peterbilt -

1960 Diamond Reo-

1930's Mack Gulf Gas Truck -

These are just a few of Vics offerings. From time to time I will change some of the "side pictures"
and offer some more of his creations. Perhaps I might even add some of his toons -

Thanks Vic, keep up the great drawings!!!

1 comment:

  1. Vic, can you direct me to where I can find 1) photos of Mack trucks, 1926 through 1944 and 2) a list of 1:24 scale models of Mack trucks. Am building a Mongram 1926 Mack Bulldog oil truck and am intrigued by the Mack history. mainelarson@yahoo.com


If posting as anonymous, PLEASE send me an e-mail so I can get back to you.